Monday, September 28, 2009


I had a great time, the first class i took was Kareys angel class, well the angel is half done still. then i took Kaye Judt calss on Paisleys that was a fun challenge i go tone done in class. then on saturday i took Rita Cochrane it was a great bracelet patter you can do in one pass, Mine is still in the works to get finished. Then the last calss was Kaye Judt class A critter from the wild, mine only need it tail now and hope i can get that done soon he is so cute. i willpaost pictures as i finish things. And i won lots of raffles and a few live auctions also it was lots of fun to see friends and chat again, i hope to go again next year.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Canada Trip

Well i am home from my trip and i had a great time it was so much fun. And there was so many great people there to tat and chat with in each wonderful class.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Having a great time in Canada Tat Days More later

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another New Ornamnet for my book

Here is the latest i have designed for book i am working on.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fair Pictures

Kareys Gloves she designed

Kareys Doily

A close up of the doily that beat me

The doily that beat me

My Doily